
Taking the long way around

halloween in wonderful penn state

Publicerad 2010-11-03 08:47:17 i

Snyggaste sailorettsen i Penn State. Jojomän!
Det är så mycket kärlek när jag och Karin hänger.
Ahoy Mateys! Swedish navy ready to rocka Penn State!
Oooh la la! Swedes goes bananas in Penn State! Thanx Rob, Ralf n team who made our weekend awesum!
SmackaSmacka with Karin and Rob.


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Mikaela Ingvarsdotter

29 yr ol´ Gypsyrose trying to find her way home while taking the long way around. Sees the world as her playground and doesnt have a clue where she´ll place her hat next. Blogs about travels, experiences and people she meets along the way and now mainly on the big move down under. Dont let the youth be wasted on the young!



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