
Taking the long way around

Karakia Whakamanawa

Publicerad 2009-04-05 12:17:23 i

Tänkte ge er, kära läsare, ett smakprov av alla de fantastiska texter på Maori som vi svenskar lärt oss, och som vi använder flitigt vid till exempel måltider, innan wakapaddling mm tillsammans med våra Maorivänner. Dessa ramsor, välsignelser är alla otroligt vackra och starka.

Ko te Ha
Ko te Po/Ra
Ko Tangaroa
Ko te Mana
Ko te Kotahitanga o nga Maata Waka

Haumi e
Hui e
Taiki e

The breath
The night/ The day
God of the sea
The power
The unity
To join
Come together
So be it!

Whakataka te Hau

Whakataka Te Hau ki te Uru
Whakataka Te Hau ki te Tonga
Kia makinakina ki Uta
Kia mataratara ki Tai
E hi ake ana te ata kura
He tio, he huka, he hau hu.

Cease the Winds from the east
Cease the winds from the South
Let the gentle breeze blow over land
Let the red tipped dawn come witha sharpened air
A touch of frost, a promise ofa glourios day.


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Mikaela Ingvarsdotter

29 yr ol´ Gypsyrose trying to find her way home while taking the long way around. Sees the world as her playground and doesnt have a clue where she´ll place her hat next. Blogs about travels, experiences and people she meets along the way and now mainly on the big move down under. Dont let the youth be wasted on the young!



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